Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cool Dude Club

Yeah now dis is serious... da cool dude club is a big deal day wisten to me.. now I gonna twall dem and get chu in. otway?? twas I wiks ya!!
Now you prolly wont look as cute as me wif this phone and I don't think we gots any more jammies like this with feet in them that will fit cha but I will check with the mommy...either way you are one cool dude and you in da club!!

alright alright hold on now look at dis big guy!!! poof like dat!!!
lovin lovin my new friend Robert.. I not likes to many peeps but my mommies friends hubby is da bomb. He is rockin!! I share my sippie cup wif him and everything.. even my ho ho hat and he looks cool in it too..not as cool dude as me but we let him thinks dat!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Luke, Tank you berry much for letting me in the cool dude club. You know what Luke, you da BOMB 2. I had fun time with you and can't wait to come over again and watch Horton hears a Who!!!! Till next time, be nice to mommy and daddy.... Your buddy Wobert.
